Posture For Your Pelvis!

It has been awhile since I have written something to share! I have been learning so much about pelvic health and dysfunction from a program of Isa Herrera, PT. She is a phenomenal physical therapist based in New York City who focuses solely on the pelvis. She has a lot to teach, and I am soaking it up! I wanted to share some information I have compiled about posture and pelvic health. There is SO MUCH we can do with our daily habits to improve our health, and here are some big ones I couldn't wait to share. Depending on your body and life, you may need help getting out of injury or dysfunction (beyond these tools), so don't hesitate to reach out!

© May 2018. Rachael Wilder, LMT. Please credit me with my name and a link to this page when using this material. Posture baby photo credit Beth Scupham. Thank you!